Kamis, 14 April 2011

Slot Ekspansi

Expansion slot openings are located on the back of the computer. Ekspansi bukaan slot terletak di bagian belakang komputer. They look like the ones shown in the picture above. Mereka tampak seperti yang ditunjukkan pada gambar di atas. They provide access to the AGP, PCIe, PCI, and ISA expansion slots on the motherboard. The expansion slot opening shown on our Click-N-Learn computer, does not appear to have a PCI, ISA, or AGP expansion slot associated with it. Mereka menyediakan akses ke PCIe, PCI, dan slot ekspansi ISA, AGP pada motherboard. Slot ekspansi pembukaan ditampilkan pada komputer Klik-N-Belajar kita, tampaknya tidak memiliki, ISA, atau AGP slot ekspansi PCI yang terkait dengannya . To use this expansion slot opening, a person would need an expansion card like the Sound Blaster Live card shown below, which is actually two cards. Untuk menggunakan slot ekspansi pembukaan ini, seseorang akan membutuhkan sebuah kartu ekspansi seperti kartu Sound Blaster Live ditunjukkan di bawah ini, yang sebenarnya dua kartu.

The top card plugs into a PCI slot, while the bottom card sends and receives its data through the larger card via the connected cable. The plugs atas kartu ke slot PCI, sedangkan kartu bawah mengirim dan menerima data melalui kartu yang lebih besar melalui kabel tersambung. The smaller card simply needs an empty expansion slot opening on the back of the case to mount to. Kartu kecil hanya membutuhkan pembukaan slot ekspansi yang kosong di belakang kasus ini untuk dipasang. The expansion slot opening you clicked on would be perfect for the bottom card. Slot ekspansi pembukaan yang Anda klik akan sempurna untuk kartu bawah.

bagian bagian slot ekspansi

Shared PCI / ISA Slot

If you look at the picture above, you will see two slots: a black ISA expansion slot and a white PCI expansion slot. The problem is that there is only one expansion slot opening available on the back of the case. With this type of expansion slot you must choose whether you want to use an ISA card or a PCI card. You can't use both. That's the reason it's called a shared PCI/ISA slot. This is a good place to use a modem, since modems are available on both ISA and PCI expansion cards. Below is a picture of an ISA modem. 

Notice that the modem has its own speaker. When you connect to the Internet and hear the modem dialing, it's this speaker that you hear those sounds coming from. Modems convert a computer's digital data into analog waves, so that it can travel through the telephone lines to another computer. The other computer's modem then converts these analog waves back into digital data, so that the other computer can understand it. Modems are rated by how many bits per second that they can receive data. They normally send data at a slightly lower rate, which is around 48Kbps, (or 48,000 bits per second), for a typical 56Kbps modem. Just because a modem is rated at 56Kbps does not necessarily mean that it will be able to receive data at that speed. Phone lines and your Internet service provider also play a big part in how fast your computer is able to receive and send information via the Internet. Some phone lines are only capable of transmitting data at 28.8k. For this reason, even though Internet service providers usually offer a 56K connection, you can only access the Internet at whatever speed your phone lines will permit. Below is a picture of a PCI modem. 

PC Link ISA Slot Expansion

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